"This horrific thing is my NaMoPaiMo project for this yr. It's a good thing I don't dream much anymore because it truly is a thing of nightmares. Jennifer Bray Buxton said that whatever we painted this yr for the event had to be ENTIRELY horse parts. Not some crab/fish/mythical monster. So this beast is made entirely of ONE mold in two sizes, and combined in the most horrible Ai inspired trash heap.
There are 8 Croi in this one piece.
Keeping in the spirit of this yr, which I've decided is going to be me taking art less seriously in order to break past my perfectionism driven Artist block, I just made the most absurd pointless thing I could. Thinking about painting it is already making my eyes bleed. No I'm not doing it a realistic color. The plan is of some sort probably some quality horrific pattern. Idk."
"It is a Croi-bomination. A Croi-tastrophe if you will. A punishment of my own making."
"First coat of primer and she named herself as I barely got the first pass on her. All I could hear in my head was RELEASE THE CROIKEN!!"
"This piece was created because I needed something to practice being imperfect at and was exactly what I needed. Something that was ridiculous enough that the more imperfect it was the better it was. It's so easy to get stuck in your head trying to plan your way through a piece. But ultimately you can't! There are always hiccups or maybe the piece speaks up and tells you your plans are not for them. "
There are 8 Croi in this one piece.
Keeping in the spirit of this yr, which I've decided is going to be me taking art less seriously in order to break past my perfectionism driven Artist block, I just made the most absurd pointless thing I could. Thinking about painting it is already making my eyes bleed. No I'm not doing it a realistic color. The plan is of some sort probably some quality horrific pattern. Idk."
"It is a Croi-bomination. A Croi-tastrophe if you will. A punishment of my own making."
"First coat of primer and she named herself as I barely got the first pass on her. All I could hear in my head was RELEASE THE CROIKEN!!"
"This piece was created because I needed something to practice being imperfect at and was exactly what I needed. Something that was ridiculous enough that the more imperfect it was the better it was. It's so easy to get stuck in your head trying to plan your way through a piece. But ultimately you can't! There are always hiccups or maybe the piece speaks up and tells you your plans are not for them. "
She inspires very intense yet conflicting emotions in her viewers...
"I'm not sure if I love it or hate it. But I feel very inspired" "She reminds me of Medusa in a way! I love this!" "This is CROI-IOUS" "The [un]holy grail of Croi conga pieces!" "This is unhinged... but I love it!" "INCROIABLE! This is the stuff of nightmares, I LOVE IT!" "Body Horror Abomination" "MEGACROI" "Herdnobyl!" "This is giving me Poltergeist vibes... I like it!" "Croi-ruption!!!" "What a fantastic croi-ation! The tiny tail sprouting out the side of the big tail is especially amusing!" "OOOO BODY HORROR ON A MODEL HORSE IM IN LOVE WITH THIS" "HORRIFYING. I LOVE IT" "Forbidden conga" "Well that hideous and the thing of nightmares!!!!" "What a glorious Croi-bomination!" "biblically accurate croi" "This.Is.Great" "This is the most insane thing I've seen in a while that's model-related. Epic!!!" "It looks like a mama possum with a bunch of babies riding on its back. Lol." "CroAI lives!" "Incredibly mortifying, yet beautiful!" "She’s like a Medusa if a Medusa was made of ponies!" "Oh wow, she's so cool!! There's something very Greek chorus about her!" "I love her. feels like she should be in a museum." "Fantastic! I love her terrifying awesomeness!" "WOW!! I love the “bronze statue effect” you created with the paint colors - looks so fitting for this piece! She’s terrifying, thought provoking, and do I dare say actually beautiful! She’s amazing! I was excited to see what you were going to do with her, and gotta say my mind is blown! It really does look like it belongs in an art museum!" "I absolutely love her" "This was a super cool idea and executed beautifully! SO many hidden meanings could be found in it too!" "Perfection in imperfection" "I adore this fractal Lovecraftian horror" "That is just so creepy and cool and I absolutely love it." "That's so bizarre! I am here for it. Very cool." "Magnificent and also the thing of nightmares" ""Wow, what a powerful piece!"
"Croiken" has been painted faux antique copper with eerie glow-in-the-dark eyes. There is a slight green reflection added for day-glow effect on each place the eyes would reflect. Each and every hoof has been sealed with matte sealer for durability (as well as a few other contact points).